Thursday, September 4, 2008

circus girl - 100 drawings in 100 days

well, you know you don't have many friends when you rely on the people in DVDs to be your models! no, i do have friends but not many of them can afford the time or would want to sit still and be bored for 30 minutes?
this is a girl who plays 'sophie' in "carnivale", the HBO series. i just love that show, and i find myself playing it over and over again. mind you, i don't own a TV, so i actually find that i get a lot done around my place, whether it's artwork or housework.
i have drawn my favorite moon/sun in the top, as i have done for years in a lot of my paintings. it stems from my days as an astrophysics major with a wicked telescope binocular set! i could never decide which was more fun to observe through them: the sun or the moon. both were fascinating!
anyway, this is along the lines of the new series of paintings i am working on, and i have called this one, "circus girl".

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

the dog and the bird - 100 drawings in 100 days

i am still gathering material for my new series of paintings, and these two are part of that. i think i might even use them for the "100 paintings in 100 days"...

the drawing of the dog (top) is called "hoover" and the peacock (below) is called "peacock" or "aunty phyllis", take your pick...

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

birds - 100 drawings in 100 days

i am in the process of beginning a new body of artwork - i became very inspired over the weekend. it's all so very exciting when you start something new: unchartered territory, the magic and mystique that goes along with the unknown... anyway, i think i will be using some of these birds, or parts of them in the new series. these are quite simply titled (because i am using them for studies), "flamingo" (i wanted to call him "uncle ken" because my uncle ken has that exact same look...), and "wren".
and i am going to open up a new blog page here for my events to be posted. i just have to figure out how to link it with my website, and this page, and then it will all be groovy. i'm still battling on with the webwsite - hacking chunks out of it actually... oh well. maybe i'll get it finished tonight.

so, how do you feel since reading this blog?